Are you thinking medical billing as just generating bills for patient? You are misunderstanding the whole process. It is much more than just generating. Generating bills is a first step of complete and complex process. There are numbers of steps in medical billing process to make your claim accurate and get the reimbursement quickly from insurance company.
In general, doctors are asking their staffs, who have little knowledge about it, to do the billing task. In result they will get wrong billing and loss of efficiency as well as cost. There is high possibility of claim decline because of wrong billing and they have to suffer from weak financial condition.
As doctors required specialized knowledge, medical billing professional also required special knowledge about billing process. Doctors either have to train employees for billing task or have to hire medical billing expert to solve their billing problems. It is not economical way to have medical billing for doctor having small setup.
They can increase the staff efficiency simultaneously decreasing the cost by outsourcing billing task to medical billing company. They have all the facilities which required having accurate and timely medical billing services. By having such supportive task from outside, you can easily offer satisfactory medical treatment to the patient without worrying about supportive task such as medical billing.
If you have small clinic and require medical billing services, please do email the requirements on