One of the most fundamental resources is a glossary of medical billing terms. This features the most common words and acronyms used in the medical billing profession. Billing specialists should have access to a medical billing glossary at all times. Those new to this career may also require a reference guide regarding the medical billing process so they do not skip any steps that could delay claims payment. For billing specialists who work for a billing services company, a resource explaining the role of the firm in relation to the healthcare provider should prove informative.
HIPAA guidelines pertain to patient privacy and OIG guidelines relate to fraud. Billing specialists should be familiar with both of these regulations and their impact on insurance and patient billing. Those who have an eye on the future should refer to an overview of the Health Care Reform Act to see how it will affect medical billing in the coming years. They should also learn more about the insurance claims process to learn how this is gradually changing from paper CMS-1500 forms to electronic forms submitted through medical billing claim software.
Whether an individual has a job in medical billing and is looking to make a career move or is looking for initial employment in this field, there are plenty of online job search sites. Before conducting a search, individuals should refer to an online source to learn about working from home versus in a provider office or other facility. They should also learn what type of salary to expect and how to compose an effective resume and cover letter. Clearly explaining their skills on paper should help them land interviews with the best employers.
This is just a sampling of the medical billing information available online and in hard copy form. Billing specialists should take time to keep their knowledge current and never be afraid to consult a resource when they have questions. A formal education is the foundation of knowledge- it is up to the individual to stay on the cutting edge by reading as much relevant information as possible.
Author: Conrad Wysor
Source: http://www.articledashboard.com